So, recently had a minor engine fault light pop up on my dashboard. Took it to a local garage to get a diagnostic reading and found 14 random electrical faults related to window relays, heated seat sensor, steering wheel sensor, etc. Everything the EMS is saying is faulty works fine, and there's no engine issues.
Had the codes reset only for them to pop back on not even a day later. Recently had the battery changed, so thought to double check the connections but they seem fine. No blown fuses either.
Anyone else had issues similar to this?
Random Electrical Faults
Hi there. My corsa has just started giving me engine management light warnings. Had it checked and there is faults but nothing that should cause the engine light to come on. I’m guessing that because it beeps and then goes off that there is nothing serious wrong with my car. Sounds similar to the problems you’re having
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